XR drives global content activation, greater control and mitigates risk with assets centralized in a single platform.

We simplify the complexities throughout the creative lifecycle, enabling teams to manage, organize, access and distribute assets more effectively–maximizing the power of their content.

Organize & Share

Organize, share and track creative assets across diverse teams and a complex media landscape seamlessly and securely with a consolidated content library.

All assets and data are centralized for easy management and protection against fragmentation

Secure access for permissioned in-house teams and external partners safeguards content and usage

Intuitive catalog creation, backed with AI, enables robust search to track and access assets quickly

From past to present, built to archive and process large volumes of physical and digital assets for control and transparency

Teams from anywhere in the world, both in-house and external, can access approved content from a central asset library

Section titled ‘Recently Delivered TV Spots’ listing TV spots for Australia, United States, Canada, and France, with thumbnail images, country names, spot lengths, first air dates, and number of stations.”
Talent & Rights Calendar showing timelines for Holding Fee/Session, Internet, Cable Network, Dignet, Class A, Illustrator, and Stock Music from March to July. Below, sections for Related Creative/Versions and Talent Reports list items with ISCI/AD-IDs and titles like ‘I Am A Tree’ with various versions and lengths.

Manage & Control

Manage brand assets and the rights that go with them by linking compliance information with every creative, delivered to every screen.

One source for all assets with rights management built-in, tracking licenses, usage, copyright

Campaign workflows are integrated with rights data, monitoring for usage and expiry of live content across campaigns

Teams know exactly which assets are available and in compliance, minimizing the risk of costly rights violations and promoting asset reuse

Payment metadata and rights information locked to each unique creative guarantees accurate payroll according to contract details

Centralized collection of all rights data and production guidelines, agreements and contracts, streamlining options for renewals and extensions

Business affairs with a global team to provide localized guidance across market regulations

Accelerate & Collaborate

Drive greater collaboration across teams with efficient workflow automation and a centralized platform, expediting speed to market and driving optimized content management.

Common workspace where contributors across creative and media teams can communicate and effectively manage content

Standardized system of record to organize and track assets and govern usage with built-in audit trails

User-defined permissions based on team and roles to enable full control and oversight

Secure cart checkout and approvals process for workflow automation and transparency

Connect assets and data from other essential systems via API or custom integrations

Table listing media channels, TV broadcasters, digital publishers, and social platforms. Each row includes the number of countries, last use date, usage expiration date, and country flags.
Donut chart showing wastage by brand: Brand 1 at 83%, Brand 2 at 8%, Brand 3 at 9%. Below is a table titled ‘Latest Campaign Utilization Summary’ with columns for campaign, brand, total deliverables, originals, edits, assets used, and asset utilization percentage.

Insights & ROI

Gain data-driven clarity with a comprehensive view into asset activity, content usage, adaptations and creative analysis.

Automated audit trail of important data such as use cases, estimated savings and project details for tracking and analysis

Maximize the value of produced content by identifying opportunities for content re-use

Access data and insights for a unique view of global asset utilization, production ROI, usage and rights compliance

Understand key trends across creative assets with scaled AI-analysis that evaluates visual and audio elements such as skin tone, gender expression, age, disability, body type, sustainability, accessibility and more

Explore the XR Platform

Creative Intelligence

Creative analysis at scale that unlocks a cross-dimensional view of creative to drive greater relevance, resonance and results.

XR Distribution Network

Global omnichannel delivery, uniting automated and trusted linear TV delivery, independent and MRC-accredited digital ad serving, plus other traditional channels.

Professional & Creative Services

Comprehensive production services and business affairs ready to support critical phases of the creative lifecycle, from ideation to execution and analysis.