A Look at Consumer Attitudes in Australia and New Zealand

Insights & Trends
A Look at Consumer Attitudes in Australia and New Zealand

Every brand strives to build a strong relationship with its customers, but the parameters for forging and fostering those lasting connections are always shifting. To understand what drives consumers in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), where shoppers are digitally connected at higher rates than many of their global peers, Marigold and Econsultancy polled 1,054 people in both countries to compile their joint “Australia & New Zealand Consumer Trends Index 2023” report. Here are some top takeaways for marketers.

1. Mobile matters. When it comes to making shopping decisions, 62% of ANZ consumers pull out their mobile phone to research a potential purchase while browsing in-store, and 58% say they used an app to make a product or service purchase in the past year. The upshot for brands? Invest in a full-fledged mobile strategy that includes smartphones as an accessible touchpoint.

2. Get personal. As it turns out, business is personal. In Australia and New Zealand, 60% of consumers feel frustrated when they receive irrelevant content that doesn’t reflect their wants and needs, a figure that’s 28% higher than the annoyance felt by customers in other parts of the world. It’s time for brands to take advantage of their expansive data portfolios and create truly personalised messaging that speaks to the heart of what shoppers desire.

3. Loyalty pays off. Given rising inflation rates and global economic uncertainty, shoppers might be expected to opt for price when making a purchase, but 66% of ANZ consumers still pay more to support their favorite brands. That number soars to 72% for millennials, followed by 71% of Gen Z members. Brands that strike the right note with personalised campaigns and reach consumers on the mobile platforms where they’re spending time have the opportunity to win customers for life by introducing strong loyalty offerings.

4. Keep it private. In a privacy-conscious world, 53% of ANZ consumers are taking extra steps to secure their online data by installing ad blocking technology. That marks a 33% uplift from 2022 and a 23% higher rate than consumers in other parts of the world—yet it’s no cause for alarm. Rather, brands now have the chance to explore channels like email, SMS and app messaging as means for gathering the data that shoppers are happy to share and forging honest, meaningful bonds.

5. Opt for omnichannel. The pandemic may have prompted consumers to increase their online presence, but many brick-and-mortar stores stayed open while new retail locations continue to expand. To truly stand out as a brand in 2023, it’s important to create a true omnichannel customer experience by blending both physical and digital offerings.

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