Make Creative Intelligence Your New Superpower.

Insights & Trends
Make Creative Intelligence Your New Superpower.

Make Creative Intelligence Your New Superpower.

James Levy, Senior Vice President of Global Customer Success at XR, took to the stage at MAD//Fest in London to delve into a topic that is changing the face of the advertising industry - Creative Intelligence. James discusses the value multiplier of connecting data across every stage of the creative lifecycle–from concept to production, post production to media delivery.

Five key takeaways:

1. Integration of Data Across the Creative Lifecycle

James highlighted the critical role of data integration at every stage of the creative process. XR's ability to collect and connect billions of data points allows clients to make informed business decisions from the initial concept through to production, post-production, and media delivery. This holistic approach ensures that every creative asset is optimized for success.

2. The Expanding Advertising Ecosystem

The advertising landscape is more complex than ever, with new media platforms and technologies constantly emerging. James pointed out that XR addresses this complexity by providing tools and services designed to streamline processes, enhance visibility, and maintain control over creative assets. This not only simplifies operations but also ensures that campaigns are executed seamlessly across diverse platforms.

3. Optimization of Creative Asset Utilization

One of the most startling insights shared by James is that half of all creative assets are wasted. XR's creative intelligence solutions help clients understand how and where their assets are being used, reducing waste and ensuring that marketing investments deliver maximum returns. By optimizing asset utilization, brands can achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in their campaigns.

4. Ensuring Compliance and Reducing Brand Risk

Compliance is a major concern in today's advertising world. XR manages contract and usage rights for talent, music, and other creative elements, ensuring that content is delivered only when it complies with all necessary rights and specifications. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of fines and legal issues, safeguarding the brand's reputation and financial health.

5. Improving Accessibility in Advertising

Accessibility in advertising is not just a legal requirement but a moral imperative. James emphasized that only 17% of ads are currently built with accessibility in mind. XR is leading the charge to improve this statistic with its global accessibility maturity index, helping advertisers create content that can be consumed by all audiences. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that every viewer has a positive experience with the brand. Read our 2024 Global Advertising Accessibility Index & Trends Report here.

James Levy's presentation underscored the transformative power of Creative Intelligence. By integrating data throughout the creative lifecycle, optimizing asset utilization, ensuring compliance, and promoting accessibility, XR is helping brands navigate the complexities of modern advertising with confidence and clarity. Explore the benefits of Creative Intelligence and get in touch with our team to learn more about how XR can fuel your success.