Marketers Connect with Gen Z

Insights & Trends
Marketers Connect with Gen Z

The youngest Gen Zers are still navigating high school as 16-year-olds, while older members of the demographic have hit their mid-20s and are delving into careers. Either way, marketers should know what makes this cohort tick, since they now comprise about one-third of the global population -- or 2.56 billion people. Additionally, 29% of Gen Zers describe themselves as a “money-driven and ambitious group,” according to “Gen Z in 2023,” a new report from GWI that interviewed thousands of Internet users in 50 different countries to describe how teens and young adults communicate, consume and come to grips with current world events. Here’s how marketers can connect with Gen Zers today.

  • Streaming: In 2022, Gen Z spent an average of five minutes more per day streaming television content than watching broadcast TV. Today’s uncertain economic climate is contributing to the services they choose, with 55% opting for cheaper ad-supported tiers. But price isn’t the only factor they consider. Brands hoping to keep this cohort engaged should focus on content—specifically original, new, and regularly expanded series and shows.
  • Gaming: Almost nine out of 10 Gen Zers are gamers, with most preferring to play on smartphones. While older generations game to relax, Gen Z does so to connect. The instant messaging platform Discord, for example, has grown 24% year-over-year with gamers offering insight to gaming companies looking to concept new content that can double as a means of socialization.
  • Environment: While 45% of Gen Z say protecting our planet is still important, a number of recent stressors—from Covid to the war in Ukraine to recession fears—have led to a lack of mental bandwidth for the same broad range of social justice issues. Overall, Gen Z’s passion for environmental projects slipped 11% year-over-year. The upshot for marketers? Dial back on efforts that might be seen as greenwashing and focus on simple, solution-driven campaigns.
  • Mental health: Globally, Gen Z is more likely than any other generation to report suffering from a mental health problem, while 29% say they’re prone to anxiety. Many also can’t afford the help they need—which presents a real opportunity for well-being, health, and fitness brands to connect with this group in authentic ways. For example, Fitness apparel brand Gymshark partnered with two mental health nonprofits to deliver support and entertainment for their ‘Deload’ campaign.
  • Social media: Online time dedicated to social media is at an all-time high of 41%, which may be due to the evolution of social platforms. No longer just a means of following friends and influencers, social sites are a go-to source for three out of 10 Gen Zers to find inspiration, which they’re 11% more likely to do compared to other demographics. Be it for articles, advice, memes or new brands to shop, ads seen on social sites resonate with Gen Z.Instagram remains the most-used platform (outside of China), while TikTok now counts 83% of the Gen Z population as active users.

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