Moving Forward Together in 2022

Insights & Trends
Moving Forward Together in 2022

As we begin 2022, I hope you are as optimistic as we are about the forward progress across every aspect of the global ad industry. We are fortunate to sit at the center of the ecosystem and work with so many diverse brands, agencies and production partners. Our central position grants us an exciting view into the work underway in adjacent areas. We see unprecedented innovation in the use of data, new mandates to improve measurement and attribution across screens, the breaking down of legacy silos that don’t meet today’s needs, and so much more.Which brings me to our own company’s progress and innovation. Extreme Reach and Adstream came together in June 2021 to transform and reset how teams activate omnichannel campaigns everywhere, across any media, with precision, speed and control. We do this by integrating every path in for creative assets and every linear and digital path out to meet consumers anywhere. We believe this is the way forward and that you should expect nothing less. I’m proud that, after 14 years in the making, ER is now the sole global provider of truly end-to-end creative logistics that simplifies workflow significantly and returns deep insight never before possible. Extreme Reach is powered by over 1,000 stellar team members across 140 markets, operating in over 40 languages and leveraging groundbreaking technology.If you’re frustrated with any aspect of how you activate campaigns, big or small, wherever you sit, please reach out. Our promise, as always, is to listen to what you need next and deliver it with superior technology and stellar customer service. Let’s make 2022 the year we move forward together!Tim Conley

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