MRC Accreditations Continue for Extreme Reach

Insights & Trends
MRC Accreditations Continue for Extreme Reach

We’re very pleased to share the news that all of ER’s accreditations from the Media Rating Council (MRC) will continue for CTV, desktop, mobile web and mobile app. Through these and other accreditations (including but not limited to Trusted Partner Network (TPN), Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), SOC2 Security and others), ER provides advertisers with a secure, accurate, and comprehensive look at delivery across all digital channels, including streaming video. 

ER remains the only company to offer brands and their agencies a centralized platform for managing and delivering creative video assets for all screens anywhere in the world, and the only company that fully integrates Talent and Rights data associated with those assets. 

The MRC has specifically continued ER’s accreditations for: 

The proliferation of streaming services and easy access to video on demand has so altered consumers’ conception of “TV,” that viewers no longer differentiate between linear TV and streaming video. This makes it all the more important for advertisers to have a clear understanding of where their creative appears and easy access to the metrics that provide holistic insights into every campaign.  

ER’s quarterly video benchmark reports show that advertisers are eagerly buying into the CTV opportunity. As new platforms continue to emerge, providing brand marketers with even more ways to reach their audience, the use of one, omnichannel creative asset platform, becomes an even greater competitive advantage.  

Learn more about Talent & Rights Management for the global ad industry and contact us to ensure precision compliance across all your campaigns.