Summer Travel Trends: What Marketers Should Know

Insights & Trends
Summer Travel Trends: What Marketers Should Know

Summer is underway in the northern hemisphere, and around the world people are making plans to visit friends and family, tour locales both exotic and familiar, and resume traveling now that the pandemic is no longer a public health emergency. Dentsu Navigator recently conducted a “Summer Travel Look Ahead” survey of 1,000 US consumers (18+) to learn about upcoming voyage plans—and what those trends mean for marketers. Here are some takeaways.

  • 74% of those surveyed are planning a trip from June to September, and on average those excursions will be longer than last year, which was when the world first (mostly) reopened for travel.
  • 31% of travelers are making international trips, up from 13% in 2022.. Millennials (43%) and parents (42%) are most likely to go overseas.
  • 69% of respondents are worried about inflation and 45% foresee spending more on vacations this year compared to 2022.
  • Travelers are adjusting plans by driving instead of flying, trimming shopping budgets, cutting back on dining out, or taking other cost-saving measures.
  • Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, millennials, and Gen Z members are all trimming budgets elsewhere to make room for travel.
  • Consumers are split between maintaining brand loyalty (51%) and going for the lowest-priced brands (49%). On average, parents and younger generations (millennials, Gen Z) value loyalty programs, while those traveling without kids and older generations (baby boomers, Gen X) opt for savings.
  • What do consumers care most about when traveling? Cleanliness and safety (48%), followed by value (46%), and good customer service (45%).
  • How do consumers get inspired to book a trip? Mainly by watching travel shows (34%), documentaries (27%) and food shows (25%). Interestingly, one in five respondents this year made travel plans after playing a video game.
  • Over two in five consumers are influenced by social media when it comes to choosing a destination and booking activities—with parents and millennials (both 71%) by far the most likely to be swayed by social sites.

What does this mean for marketers? Summer travel is clearly a go, giving brands a valuable opportunity to capitalize on consumer wanderlust and promote international trips. Companies should be mindful of budget-conscious consumers by advertising value programs and incentives in compelling ways—but appetites to roam are high, which speaks to the benefit of highlighting indulgent travel aspects. Brands must work to secure loyalty in new ways by personalizing experiences or elevating every moment of a journey, from booking to touring, while keeping in mind that a poor first impression could risk losing a customer for life. Marketers benefit today from a wide array of opportunities to find their audience on many different screens. Bon voyage!

Whether you’re a travel marketer or agency looking to advertise on any digital or linear screen, Extreme Reach brings speed, control, and deep insights to every campaign. Reach out today to learn more.